Solved Queries
Ques:922 : X has imported certain goods at Mumbai Port.He is registered in UP ( Uttar Pradesh)
Now he wants to send the goods to job worker for assembling in pune.He needs to issue delivery challan for the same.What should be the place of supply in delivery challan ?
Ans: The Place of supply is Pune location.
Ques: Do a taxpayer is require to generate E invoice in real time ie before movement of Goods ?
Ans: Yes, one has to issue e invoice before real time movement of goods.
Q. 630 Housing society demolishing existing building and reconstructing again.existing 24 flats /members and now 30 flats will be constructed.24 will be given to existng members with 20 lkh contribution each member and balance 6 flats will be sold before completion to compensate building tell me gst taxation and whether RERA application is needed? society already collected 17 each member contribution and construction started and no escrow account used.what care is to be taken in this case for RERA ?
Ans. In general, RCM is applicable on transfer development rights. And GST is applicable on pre- sale plus allotments to buyers. We are required to do a deep analysis of this. As the wrong response may create tax liability, it is recommended to take professional advice.