Solved Queries

Q.284 In case of services provided against Arbitration , where such supply should be shown in GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B . Is it exempt supply or nil rated supply

Ans. Services provided against arbitration are exempt via notification no. 12/2017- Central tax (Rate). So it is shown under the head exempt supply under the respective GST returns.

Q 283.  A registered composition scheme dealer purchase of goods from other states (inter state).but dealer same goods returns to selling supply dealer. Question: 1.Composition scheme dealer purchase of goods returns procedure. 2.composition scheme dealer inter state sales transaction not eligible in gst act.

Ans. Composition dealers cannot make interstate sale transactions. However, he is eligible to purchase goods from other states. Purchased Goods returned by the composition dealer will be shown under the Table 5B (CDNR) in the GSTR-4.

Q 282. In case of services provided against Arbitration , where such supply should be shown in GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B . Is it exempt supply or nil rated supply 

Ans. Services provided against arbitration are exempt via notification no. 12/2017- Central tax (Rate). So it is shown under the head exempt supply under the respective GST returns.

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