Union minister of state for finance Bhagwat Karad said on Tuesday that inflation in India is well controlled thanks to the policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was speaking at the BJP headquarters in Panaji. He said that GST compensation issues will be discussed in the next meeting with stakeholders concerned.
“Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Bhutan have double-digit inflation,” Karad said. “In our case, we have controlled inflation and our economy is strong.”
Karad said that the measures announced in the Budget and the Union government’s decision to spend Rs 10 lakh crore will generate employment in the country.
The minister said that despite the circumstances brought about by Covid, the government’s revenues have increased, unlike the case with other nations. He said that the Budget focused on the next 25 years of development. He added that the state government can benefit from various announcements made in the Budget.
“If the state government submits proposals to the Union government under various schemes, money will be allocated,” he said.
Chief minister Pramod Sawant had said that the state will get Rs 7,000 crore from the Union Budget under various schemes.
Source: The Times of India