Punjab Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema on April 13 launched the State Intelligence and Preventive Unit (SIPU), and Goods and Services Tax (GST) Prime, an analytical tool for State GST officers to analyse and monitor tax collection and compliance, in their jurisdiction.
The novel system caters to the requirements of the field-level as well as the enforcement and intelligence offices, to identify the defaulters and tax evaders.
Addressing the launch event held here, Mr. Cheema said that the existing seven mobile wings of the taxation department at Amritsar, Bathinda, Fazilka, Shambu in Patiala, Ludhiana, and Jalandhar had now been converted to State Intelligence and Preventive Units (SIPUs), besides creating three new SIPUs.
“The three new SIPUs will be at Madhopur in Pathankot, Mohali, and Central Unit at the Patiala head office. The Central Unit and SIPUs will work directly in coordination with Tax Intelligence Unit, Patiala”, he said.
Pointing out the key features of GST Prime, the Finance Minister said that this portal would result in better tax monitoring by officials, and enhanced compliance by the taxpayers.
The system acts as an interface between GST Common Portal and E-way Bill Systems and tax administrators, he said.
The Finance Minister said that these initiatives of the taxation department were aimed at effective tax compliance; identification of top defaulters; keeping taxpayer’s details on finger tips; identification of taxpayers for audit; and inspection to detect frauds.
Source: The Hindu