Chief Minister of Karnataka Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday said the monthly collection of goods and services tax (GST) in the State has crossed Rs 10,000 crore for three months in a row.
He said Karnataka is behind Maharashtra in emerging out of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Karnataka's monthly GST collection has crossed Rs 10k crore for 3 months in a row, just behind Maharashtra. The positive growth proves we are on the trajectory of good growth & well past the negative impact of the Covid-induced slowdown. Proud to be boosting national economy, Bommai tweeted.
According to data given by the Chief Minister, Maharashtra was in number-one spot with Rs 23,598 crore in December, Karnataka in second with Rs 10,061 crore and Gujarat third with Rs 9,238 crore followed by Tamil Nadu with Rs 8,324 crore.
Source: Business Standard