The Delhi government's goods and services tax (GST) collection increased 22 per cent to Rs 41,351 crore for the first three quarters (April-December) this fiscal, officials said on Tuesday. In 2021-22, the government's GST collection in the first three quarters was recorded at Rs 33,691 crore.
The tax collection of the Delhi government plummeted during the last two fiscals due to interruptions of the COVID pandemic.
“There was a negative growth in tax collection in 2020-21 due to the lockdown. Next year (2021-22), the situation improved and this year collections are good as economic activities have revived,” one of the officials said.
The Delhi government has projected a total receipt of Rs 47,700 crore as tax revenue in its budget for 2022-23.
With the average monthly collection now hovering around Rs 4,500 to Rs 4,600, officials said an increase of 15-20 per cent in revenue collection than the estimated amount is expected by the end of the financial year.