Country-By-Country Report in Form No. 3CEAD for a reporting accounting year (assuming reporting accounting year is April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) by a constituent entity, resident in India, in respect of the international group of which it is a constituent if the parent entity is not obliged to file report under section 286(2) or the parent entity is resident of a country with which India does not have an agreement for exchange of the report etc.

Country-By-Country Report in Form No. 3CEAD for a reporting accounting year (assuming reporting accounting year is April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) by a constituent entity, resident in India, in respect of the international group of which it is a constituent if the parent entity is not obliged to file report under section 286(2) or the parent entity is resident of a country with which India does not have an agreement for exchange of the report etc.


Mar 31 2023
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