FAQ – Article 10 Qualifying investment Fund

Source: https://mof.gov.ae/corporate-tax-faq/

  1. What is an investment fund?

An investment fund is an entity whose principal activity is the issuing of investment interests to raise funds or pool investor funds or establish a joint investor fund with the aim of enabling the holder of such an investment interest to benefit from the profits or gains from the entity’s acquisition, holding, management or disposal of investments, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

     2 Will investment funds be subject to UAE CT?

Investment funds are commonly organised as limited partnerships (as opposed to corporate entities) to ensure tax neutrality for their investors. This tax neutrality follows from the fact that most countries treat limited partnerships as transparent (‘flow through’) for domestic and international tax purposes, which puts investors in the fund in a similar tax position as if they had invested directly in the underlying assets of the fund. Investment funds that are structured as partnerships, unit trusts and other unincorporated vehicles would generally be treated as fiscally transparent “Unincorporated Partnerships” for the purposes of UAE CT.

Investment funds that are structured as corporate entities, including Real Estate Investment Trusts, or partnership funds that apply to be treated as a “Taxable Person” for UAE CT purposes in their own right, can apply to the Federal Tax Authority to be exempt from UAE CT subject to meeting certain requirements.

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