FAQ – Article 45 Withholding Tax

Source: https://mof.gov.ae/corporate-tax-faq/

  1. What is withholding tax?

Withholding tax is a form of Corporate Tax collected at source by the payer on behalf of the recipient of the income. Withholding taxes exist in many tax systems and typically apply to the cross-border payment of dividends, interest, royalties and other types of income.

  1. Does the UAE CT regime have withholding tax?

A 0% withholding tax may apply to certain types of UAE sourced income paid to non-residents. Because of the 0% rate, in practice, no withholding tax would be due and there will be no withholding tax related registration and filing obligations for UAE businesses or foreign recipients of UAE sourced income.

Withholding tax does not apply to transactions between UAE resident persons.


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